# GRPC consul resolver Feature rich and easy-to-use resolver which return endpoints for service from the [Hashicorp Consul](https://www.consul.io) and watch for the changes. This library is *production ready* and will always *save backward-compatibility* ## Quick Start For using resolving endpoints from your [Hashicorp Consul](https://www.consul.io) just import this library with `import _ /github.com/mbobakov/grpc-consul-resolver` and pass valid connection string to the `grpc.Dial`. For full example see [this section](#example) ## Connection string `consul://[user:password@][healthy=]&[wait=]&[near=]&[insecure=]&[limit=]&[tag=]&[token=]` *Parameters:* | Name | Format | Description | |--------------------|--------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | tag | string | Select endpoints only with this tag | | healthy | true/false | Return only endpoints which pass all health-checks. Default: false | | wait | as in time.ParseDuration | Wait time for watch changes. Due this time period endpoints will be force refreshed. Default: inherits agent property | | insecure | true/false | Allow insecure communication with Consul. Default: true | | near | string | Sort endpoints by response duration. Can be efficient combine with `limit` parameter default: "_agent" | | limit | int | Limit number of endpoints for the service. Default: no limit | | timeout | as in time.ParseDuration | Http-client timeout. Default: 60s | | max-backoff | as in time.ParseDuration | Max backoff time for reconnect to consul. Reconnects will start from 10ms to _max-backoff_ exponentialy with factor 2. Default: 1s | | token | string | Consul token | | dc | string | Consul datacenter to choose. Optional | | allow-stale | true/false | Allow stale results from the agent. https://www.consul.io/api/features/consistency.html#stale | | require-consistent | true/false | RequireConsistent forces the read to be fully consistent. This is more expensive but prevents ever performing a stale read. | ## Example ```go package main import ( "time" "log" _ "github.com/mbobakov/grpc-consul-resolver" // It's important "google.golang.org/grpc" ) func main() { conn, err := grpc.Dial( "consul://", grpc.WithInsecure(), grpc.WithDefaultServiceConfig(`{"loadBalancingPolicy": "round_robin"}`), ) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } defer conn.Close() ... } ``` ## License MIT-LICENSE. See [LICENSE](http://olivere.mit-license.org/) or the LICENSE file provided in the repository for details.