import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:mop/api.dart'; typedef MopEventCallback = void Function(dynamic event); typedef MopEventErrorCallback = void Function(dynamic event); typedef ExtensionApiHandler = Future> Function( dynamic params); typedef MopAppletHandler = Future Function(dynamic params); class FinStoreConfig { ///创建应用时生成的SDK Key String sdkKey; ///创建应用时生成的SDK secret String sdkSecret; ///服务器地址,客户部署的后台地址 String apiServer; ///apm统计服务器的地址,如果不填,则默认与apiServer一致 String apmServer; ///网络接口加密类型,默认为MD5 国密SM String cryptType; ///SDK指纹 证联环境( 时必填,其他环境的不用填 String? fingerprint; ///是否需要接口加密验证(初始化多服务器时使用)默认为不开启,当设置为YES时开启,接口返回加密数据并处理 bool encryptServerData; FinStoreConfig(this.sdkKey, this.sdkSecret, this.apiServer, this.apmServer, {this.cryptType = "MD5", this.fingerprint, this.encryptServerData = false}); Map toMap() { return { "sdkKey": sdkKey, "sdkSecret": sdkSecret, "apiServer": apiServer, "apmServer": apmServer, "cryptType": cryptType, "fingerprint": fingerprint, "encryptServerData": encryptServerData }; } } class UIConfig { Map? navigationTitleTextAttributes; //导航栏的标题样式,目前支持了font ///当导航栏为默认导航栏时,是否始终显示返回按钮 bool isAlwaysShowBackInDefaultNavigationBar = false; ///是否清除导航栏导航按钮的背景 bool isClearNavigationBarNavButtonBackground = false; ///是否隐藏"更多"菜单中的"反馈与投诉"菜单入口 bool isHideFeedbackAndComplaints = false; ///是否隐藏"更多"菜单中的"返回首页"菜单入口 bool isHideBackHome = false; ///是否隐藏"更多"菜单中的"转发"按钮 bool isHideForwardMenu = false; ///是否隐藏"更多"菜单中的"分享"按钮 bool isHideShareAppletMenu = true; /// 加载小程序过程中(小程序Service层还未加载成功,基础库还没有向SDK传递小程序配置信息),是否隐藏导航栏的关闭按钮 bool hideTransitionCloseButton = false; /// 禁用侧滑关闭小程序手势 bool disableSlideCloseAppletGesture = false; /// 胶囊按钮配置 CapsuleConfig? capsuleConfig; FloatWindowConfig? floatWindowConfig; //iOS中独有的设置属性 //小程序里加载H5页面时进度条的颜色 格式 0xFFFFAA00 int? progressBarColor; //是否自适应暗黑模式。如果设置为true,则更多页面、关于等原生页面会随着手机切换暗黑,也自动调整为暗黑模式 bool autoAdaptDarkMode = true; //注入小程序统称appletText字符串,默认为“小程序”。 String? appletText; Map toMap() { return { "navigationTitleTextAttributes": navigationTitleTextAttributes, "isAlwaysShowBackInDefaultNavigationBar": isAlwaysShowBackInDefaultNavigationBar, "isClearNavigationBarNavButtonBackground": isClearNavigationBarNavButtonBackground, "isHideFeedbackAndComplaints": isHideFeedbackAndComplaints, "isHideBackHome": isHideBackHome, "isHideForwardMenu": isHideForwardMenu, "isHideShareAppletMenu": isHideShareAppletMenu, "hideTransitionCloseButton": hideTransitionCloseButton, "disableSlideCloseAppletGesture": disableSlideCloseAppletGesture, "capsuleConfig": capsuleConfig?.toMap(), "floatWindowConfig": floatWindowConfig?.toMap(), "progressBarColor": progressBarColor, "autoAdaptDarkMode": autoAdaptDarkMode, "appletText": appletText }; } } /// 胶囊按钮配置 class CapsuleConfig { /// 上角胶囊视图的宽度,默认值为88 double capsuleWidth = 88; ///上角胶囊视图的高度,默认值为32 double capsuleHeight = 32; ///右上角胶囊视图的右边距 double capsuleRightMargin = 7; ///右上角胶囊视图的圆角半径,默认值为5 double capsuleCornerRadius = 5; ///右上角胶囊视图的边框宽度,默认值为0.8 double capsuleBorderWidth = 1; ///胶囊背景颜色浅色 int capsuleBgLightColor = 0x33000000; ///胶囊背景颜色深色 int capsuleBgDarkColor = 0x80ffffff; /// 右上角胶囊视图的边框浅色颜色 int capsuleBorderLightColor = 0x80ffffff; ///右上角胶囊视图的边框深色颜色 int capsuleBorderDarkColor = 0x26000000; ///胶囊分割线浅色颜色 int capsuleDividerLightColor = 0x80ffffff; ///胶囊分割线深色颜色 int capsuleDividerDarkColor = 0x26000000; ///胶囊里的浅色更多按钮的图片对象,如果不传,会使用默认图标 int? moreLightImage; ///胶囊里的深色更多按钮的图片对象,如果不传,会使用默认图标 int? moreDarkImage; ///胶囊里的更多按钮的宽度,高度与宽度相等 double moreBtnWidth = 32; ///胶囊里的更多按钮的左边距 double moreBtnLeftMargin = 6; ///胶囊里的浅色更多按钮的图片对象,如果不传,会使用默认图标 int? closeLightImage; ///胶囊里的深色更多按钮的图片对象,如果不传,会使用默认图标 int? closeDarkImage; ///胶囊里的关闭按钮的宽度,高度与宽度相等 double closeBtnWidth = 32; ///胶囊里的关闭按钮的左边距 double closeBtnLeftMargin = 6; Map toMap() { return { "capsuleWidth": capsuleWidth, "capsuleHeight": capsuleHeight, "capsuleRightMargin": capsuleRightMargin, "capsuleCornerRadius": capsuleCornerRadius, "capsuleBorderWidth": capsuleBorderWidth, "capsuleBgLightColor": capsuleBgLightColor.toSigned(32), "capsuleBgDarkColor": capsuleBgDarkColor.toSigned(32), "capsuleBorderLightColor": capsuleBorderLightColor.toSigned(32), "capsuleBorderDarkColor": capsuleBorderDarkColor.toSigned(32), "capsuleDividerLightColor": capsuleDividerLightColor.toSigned(32), "capsuleDividerDarkColor": capsuleDividerDarkColor.toSigned(32), "moreLightImage": moreLightImage, "moreDarkImage": moreDarkImage, "moreBtnWidth": moreBtnWidth, "moreBtnLeftMargin": moreBtnLeftMargin, "closeLightImage": closeLightImage, "closeDarkImage": closeDarkImage, "closeBtnWidth": closeBtnWidth, "closeBtnLeftMargin": closeBtnLeftMargin, }; } } class FloatWindowConfig { bool floatMode = false; int x; int y; int width; int height; FloatWindowConfig(this.floatMode, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); Map toMap() { return { "floatMode": floatMode, "x": x, "y": y, "width": width, "height": height }; } } class BaseAppletRequest { // 服务器地址,必填 String apiServer; // 小程序id,必填 String appletId; // 小程序的启动参数,非必填 Map? startParams; // iOS端打开小程序时是否显示动画,默认为true。 bool? animated; // 是否以单进程模式运行,仅限android,默认为false bool isSingleProcess; BaseAppletRequest({ required this.apiServer, required this.appletId, this.startParams, this.animated = true, this.isSingleProcess = false, }); Map toMap() { return { "apiServer": apiServer, "appletId": appletId, "startParams": startParams, "animated": animated, "isSingleProcess": isSingleProcess, }; } } class RemoteAppletRequest { // 服务器地址,必填 String apiServer; // 小程序id,必填 String appletId; // 小程序的启动参数,非必填 Map? startParams; // 小程序的索引,(审核小程序时必填) int? sequence; // 离线小程序压缩包路径,非必填 String? offlineMiniprogramZipPath; // 离线基础库压缩包路径,非必填 String? offlineFrameworkZipPath; // iOS端打开小程序时是否显示动画,默认为true。 bool animated; // 是否以单进程模式运行,仅限android,默认为false bool isSingleProcess; RemoteAppletRequest({ required this.apiServer, required this.appletId, this.startParams, this.sequence, this.offlineMiniprogramZipPath, this.offlineFrameworkZipPath, this.animated = true, this.isSingleProcess = false, }); @override Map toMap() { Map result = { "apiServer": apiServer, "appletId": appletId, "animated": animated, "isSingleProcess": isSingleProcess, }; if (startParams != null) result["startParams"] = startParams; if (offlineMiniprogramZipPath != null) result["offlineMiniprogramZipPath"] = offlineMiniprogramZipPath; if (offlineFrameworkZipPath != null) result["offlineFrameworkZipPath"] = offlineFrameworkZipPath; if (sequence != null) result["sequence"] = sequence; return result; } } class QRCodeAppletRequest { // 二维码内容 String qrCode; // 是否显示打开动画 bool animated = true; // 是否以单进程模式运行,仅限android,默认为false bool isSingleProcess; QRCodeAppletRequest(this.qrCode, {this.isSingleProcess = false}); Map toMap() { return { "apiServer": qrCode, "animated": animated, "isSingleProcess": isSingleProcess, }; } } enum Anim { SlideFromLeftToRightAnim, SlideFromRightToLeftAnim, SlideFromTopToBottomAnim, SlideFromBottomToTopAnim, FadeInAnim, NoneAnim } class Mop { static final Mop _instance = new Mop._internal(); late MethodChannel _channel; late EventChannel _mopEventChannel; late int eventId = 0; final List> _mopEventQueye = >[]; final Map _appletHandlerApis = {}; final Map _extensionApis = {}; Map _webExtensionApis = {}; factory Mop() { return _instance; } Mop._internal() { debugPrint('mop: _internal'); // init _channel = const MethodChannel('mop'); _channel.setMethodCallHandler(_handlePlatformMethodCall); _mopEventChannel = const EventChannel(''); _mopEventChannel.receiveBroadcastStream().listen((dynamic value) { debugPrint('matrix: receiveBroadcastStream $value'); for (Map m in _mopEventQueye) { if (m['event'] == value['event']) { m['MopEventCallback'](value['body']); } } }, onError: (dynamic value) { // failure(value); }); } static Mop get instance => _instance; Future get platformVersion async { final String version = await _channel.invokeMethod('getPlatformVersion'); return version; } Future _handlePlatformMethodCall(MethodCall call) async { debugPrint("_handlePlatformMethodCall: method:${call.method}"); if (call.method.startsWith("extensionApi:")) { final name = call.method.substring("extensionApi:".length); final handler = _extensionApis[name]; debugPrint("name:$name,handler:$handler"); if (handler != null) { return await handler(call.arguments); } final apiHandler = _appletHandlerApis[name]; if (apiHandler != null) { return await apiHandler(call.arguments); } } else if (call.method.startsWith("webExtentionApi:")) { final name = call.method.substring("webExtentionApi:".length); final handler = _webExtensionApis[name]; if (handler != null) { return await handler(call.arguments); } } } /// /// /// initialize mop miniprogram engine. /// 初始化小程序 /// [sdkkey] is required. it can be getted from /// [secret] is required. it can be getted from /// [apiServer] is optional. the mop server address. default is /// [apiPrefix] is optional. the mop server prefix. default is /api/v1/mop /// [cryptType] is optional. cryptType, should be MD5/SM /// [disablePermission] is optional. /// [encryptServerData] 是否对服务器数据进行加密,需要服务器支持 /// [userId] 用户id /// [finStoreConfigs] 多服务配置 /// [uiConfig] UI配置 /// [debug] 设置debug模式,影响调试和日志 /// [customWebViewUserAgent] 设置自定义webview ua /// [appletIntervalUpdateLimit] 设置小程序批量更新周期 /// [maxRunningApplet] 设置最大同时运行小程序个数 /// Future initialize( String sdkkey, String secret, { String? apiServer, String? apiPrefix, String? cryptType, bool encryptServerData = false, bool disablePermission = false, String? userId, bool debug = false, bool bindAppletWithMainProcess = false, int? pageCountLimit = 0, List? finStoreConfigs, UIConfig? uiConfig, String? customWebViewUserAgent, int? appletIntervalUpdateLimit, int? maxRunningApplet, }) async { List>? storeConfigs = finStoreConfigs?.map((e) => e.toMap()).toList(); final Map ret = await _channel.invokeMethod('initialize', { 'appkey': sdkkey, 'secret': secret, 'apiServer': apiServer, 'apiPrefix': apiPrefix, 'cryptType': cryptType, "encryptServerData": encryptServerData, 'disablePermission': disablePermission, 'userId': userId, "debug": debug, "bindAppletWithMainProcess": bindAppletWithMainProcess, "pageCountLimit": pageCountLimit, "finStoreConfigs": storeConfigs, "uiConfig": uiConfig?.toMap(), "customWebViewUserAgent": customWebViewUserAgent, "appletIntervalUpdateLimit": appletIntervalUpdateLimit, "maxRunningApplet": maxRunningApplet }); return ret; } /// open the miniprogram [appId] from the mop server. /// 打开小程序 /// [appId] is required. /// [path] is miniprogram open path. example /pages/index/index /// [query] is miniprogram query parameters. example key1=value1&key2=value2 /// [sequence] is miniprogram sequence. example 0,1.2.3,4,5... /// [apiServer] is optional. the mop server address. default is /// [apiPrefix] is optional. the mop server prefix. default is /api/v1/mop /// [fingerprint] is optional. the mop sdk fingerprint. is nullable /// [cryptType] is optional. cryptType, should be MD5/SM Future openApplet( final String appId, { final String? path, final String? query, final int? sequence, final String? apiServer, final String? scene, final bool isSingleProcess = false, }) async { Map params = {'appId': appId}; Map param = {}; if (path != null) param["path"] = path; if (query != null) param["query"] = query; if (param.length > 0) params["params"] = param; if (sequence != null) params["sequence"] = sequence; if (apiServer != null) params["apiServer"] = apiServer; if (scene != null) param["scene"] = scene; params["isSingleProcess"] = isSingleProcess; final Map ret = await _channel.invokeMethod('openApplet', params); return ret; } Future startApplet(RemoteAppletRequest request) async { Map params = request.toMap(); final Map ret = await _channel.invokeMethod('startApplet', params); return ret; } /// /// get current using applet /// 获取当前正在使用的小程序信息 /// {appId,name,icon,description,version,thumbnail} /// /// Future> currentApplet() async { final ret = await _channel.invokeMapMethod("currentApplet"); return Map.from(ret!); } Future> changeUserId(String userId) async { Map params = {'userId': userId}; final ret = await _channel.invokeMapMethod("changeUserId", params); return Map.from(ret!); } /// /// close all running applets /// 关闭当前打开的所有小程序 /// Future closeAllApplets() async { return await _channel.invokeMethod("closeAllApplets"); } /// /// clear applets cache /// 清除缓存的小程序 /// Future clearApplets() async { return await _channel.invokeMethod("clearApplets"); } /// 清除指定的小程序本体缓存 Future removeUsedApplet(String appId) async { Map params = {'appId': appId}; return await _channel.invokeMethod("removeUsedApplet", params); } /// 清除所有小程序缓存 Future removeAllUsedApplets() async { Map params = {}; return await _channel.invokeMethod("removeAllUsedApplets", params); } /// /// 获取运行时版本号 /// Future sdkVersion() async { return await _channel .invokeMapMethod("sdkVersion") .then((value) => value?["data"]); } /// /// (扫码后)解密-鉴权-打开小程序 /// Future scanOpenApplet(String info, {bool isSingleProcess = false}) async { Map params = { 'info': info, 'isSingleProcess': isSingleProcess, }; return await _channel.invokeMapMethod("scanOpenApplet", params); } /// /// 通过二维码打开小程序 /// [qrcode] 二维码内容 /// Future qrcodeOpenApplet(String qrcode, {bool isSingleProcess = false}) async { Map params = { 'qrcode': qrcode, 'isSingleProcess': isSingleProcess, }; return await _channel.invokeMapMethod("qrcodeOpenApplet", params); } /// /// 根据微信QrCode信息解析小程序信息 /// Future> parseAppletInfoFromWXQrCode( String qrCode, String apiServer) async { final ret = await _channel.invokeMapMethod("parseAppletInfoFromWXQrCode", {"qrCode": qrCode, "apiServer": apiServer}); return Map.from(ret!); } /// /// register handler to provide custom info or behaviour /// 注册小程序事件处理 /// void registerAppletHandler(AppletHandler handler) { _appletHandlerApis["forwardApplet"] = (params) async { handler.forwardApplet(Map.from(params)); }; _appletHandlerApis["getUserInfo"] = (params) { return handler.getUserInfo(); }; // _appletHandlerApis["getCustomMenus"] = (params) async { // final res = await handler.getCustomMenus(params["appId"]); // List> list = []; // res.forEach((element) { // Map map = Map(); // map["menuId"] = element.menuId; // map["image"] = element.image; // map["title"] = element.title; // map["type"] = element.type; // list.add(map); // }); // debugPrint("registerAppletHandler getCustomMenus list $list"); // return list; // }; _appletHandlerApis["onCustomMenuClick"] = (params) async { return handler.onCustomMenuClick( params["appId"], params["path"], params["menuId"], params["appInfo"], ); }; _appletHandlerApis["appletDidOpen"] = (params) async { return handler.appletDidOpen(params["appId"]); }; _appletHandlerApis["getPhoneNumber"] = (params) async { return handler.getMobileNumber((params0) => {_channel.invokeMethod("getPhoneNumberResult", params0)}); }; _channel.invokeMethod("registerAppletHandler"); } /// /// register extension api /// 注册拓展api /// void registerExtensionApi(String name, ExtensionApiHandler handler) { _extensionApis[name] = handler; _channel.invokeMethod("registerExtensionApi", {"name": name}); } /// 获取国密加密 Future getSMSign(String plainText) async { var result = await _channel.invokeMapMethod("smsign", {'plainText': plainText}); var data = result?['data']['data']; debugPrint(data); return data; } /// WKWebView的弹性设置 void webViewBounces(bool bounces) async { await _channel.invokeMapMethod("webViewBounces", {'bounces': bounces}); return; } /// /// 关闭小程序 小程序会在内存中存在 /// Future closeApplet(String appletId, bool animated) async { await _channel.invokeMethod( "closeApplet", {"appletId": appletId, "animated": animated}); return; } /// /// 结束小程序 小程序会从内存中清除 /// Future finishRunningApplet(String appletId, bool animated) async { await _channel.invokeMethod( "finishRunningApplet", {"appletId": appletId, "animated": animated}); return; } /// /// 设置小程序切换动画 安卓 /// Future setActivityTransitionAnim(Anim anim) async { await _channel.invokeMethod("setActivityTransitionAnim", {"anim": ""}); return; } /// /// 原生发送事件给小程序 /// [appId] 小程序id /// [eventData] 事件对象 Future sendCustomEvent( String appId, Map eventData) async { await _channel.invokeMethod( "sendCustomEvent", {"appId": appId, "eventData": eventData}); return; } /// /// 原生调用webview中的js方法 /// [appId] 小程序id /// [eventName] 方法名 /// [nativeViewId] webviewId /// [eventData] 参数 /// Future callJS(String appId, String eventName, String nativeViewId, Map eventData) async { await _channel.invokeMethod("callJS", { "appId": appId, "eventName": eventName, "nativeViewId": nativeViewId, "eventData": eventData }); return; } /// /// register webview extension api /// 注册webview拓展api /// void addWebExtentionApi(String name, ExtensionApiHandler handler) { _webExtensionApis[name] = handler; _channel.invokeMethod("addWebExtentionApi", {"name": name}); } /// /// 将当前正在运行的最后一个打开的小程序移至任务栈前台 /// void moveCurrentAppletToFront() async { return await _channel.invokeMethod("moveCurrentAppletToFront"); } }