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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:mop/api.dart';
typedef MopEventCallback = void Function(dynamic event);
typedef MopEventErrorCallback = void Function(dynamic event);
typedef ExtensionApiHandler = Future Function(dynamic params);
class FinStoreConfig {
///创建应用时生成的SDK Key
String sdkKey;
///创建应用时生成的SDK secret
String sdkSecret;
String apiServer;
String apmServer;
///网络接口加密类型默认为MD5 国密SM
String cryptType;
///SDK指纹 证联环境( 时必填,其他环境的不用填
String? fingerprint;
bool encryptServerData;
FinStoreConfig(this.sdkKey, this.sdkSecret, this.apiServer, this.apmServer,
{this.cryptType = "MD5",
this.encryptServerData = false});
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"sdkkey": sdkKey,
"sdkSecret": sdkSecret,
"apiServer": apiServer,
"apmServer": apmServer,
"cryptType": cryptType,
"fingerprint": fingerprint,
"encryptServerData": encryptServerData
class UIConfig {
Map<String, dynamic>? navigationTitleTextAttributes; //导航栏的标题样式目前支持了font
bool isAlwaysShowBackInDefaultNavigationBar = false;
bool isClearNavigationBarNavButtonBackground = false;
bool isHideFeedbackAndComplaints = false;
bool isHideBackHome = false;
bool isHideForwardMenu = false;
/// 加载小程序过程中小程序Service层还未加载成功基础库还没有向SDK传递小程序配置信息是否隐藏导航栏的关闭按钮
bool hideTransitionCloseButton = false;
/// 禁用侧滑关闭小程序手势
bool disableSlideCloseAppletGesture = false;
/// 胶囊按钮配置
CapsuleConfig? capsuleConfig;
FloatWindowConfig? floatWindowConfig;
//小程序里加载H5页面时进度条的颜色 格式 0xFFFFAA00
int? progressBarColor;
bool autoAdaptDarkMode = true;
String? appletText;
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"navigationTitleTextAttributes": navigationTitleTextAttributes,
"isHideFeedbackAndComplaints": isHideFeedbackAndComplaints,
"isHideBackHome": isHideBackHome,
"isHideForwardMenu": isHideForwardMenu,
"hideTransitionCloseButton": hideTransitionCloseButton,
"disableSlideCloseAppletGesture": disableSlideCloseAppletGesture,
"capsuleConfig": capsuleConfig?.toMap(),
"floatWindowConfig": floatWindowConfig?.toMap(),
"progressBarColor": progressBarColor,
"autoAdaptDarkMode": autoAdaptDarkMode,
"appletText": appletText
/// 胶囊按钮配置
class CapsuleConfig {
/// 上角胶囊视图的宽度默认值为88
double capsuleWidth = 88;
double capsuleHeight = 32;
double capsuleRightMargin = 7;
double capsuleCornerRadius = 5;
double capsuleBorderWidth = 1;
int capsuleBgLightColor = 0x33000000;
int capsuleBgDarkColor = 0x80ffffff;
/// 右上角胶囊视图的边框浅色颜色
int capsuleBorderLightColor = 0x80ffffff;
int capsuleBorderDarkColor = 0x26000000;
int capsuleDividerLightColor = 0x80ffffff;
int capsuleDividerDarkColor = 0x26000000;
int? moreLightImage;
int? moreDarkImage;
double moreBtnWidth = 32;
double moreBtnLeftMargin = 6;
int? closeLightImage;
int? closeDarkImage;
double closeBtnWidth = 32;
double closeBtnLeftMargin = 6;
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"capsuleWidth": capsuleWidth,
"capsuleHeight": capsuleHeight,
"capsuleRightMargin": capsuleRightMargin,
"capsuleCornerRadius": capsuleCornerRadius,
"capsuleBorderWidth": capsuleBorderWidth,
"capsuleBgLightColor": capsuleBgLightColor,
"capsuleBgDarkColor": capsuleBgDarkColor,
"capsuleBorderLightColor": capsuleBorderLightColor,
"capsuleBorderDarkColor": capsuleBorderDarkColor,
"capsuleDividerLightColor": capsuleDividerLightColor,
"capsuleDividerDarkColor": capsuleDividerDarkColor,
"moreLightImage": moreLightImage,
"moreDarkImage": moreDarkImage,
"moreBtnWidth": moreBtnWidth,
"moreBtnLeftMargin": moreBtnLeftMargin,
"closeLightImage": closeLightImage,
"closeDarkImage": closeDarkImage,
"closeBtnWidth": closeBtnWidth,
"closeBtnLeftMargin": closeBtnLeftMargin,
class FloatWindowConfig {
bool floatMode = false;
int x;
int y;
int width;
int height;
FloatWindowConfig(this.floatMode, this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
Map<String, dynamic> toMap() {
return {
"floatMode": floatMode,
"x": x,
"y": y,
"width": width,
"height": height
enum Anim {
class Mop {
static final Mop _instance = new Mop._internal();
late MethodChannel _channel;
late EventChannel _mopEventChannel;
late int eventId = 0;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> _mopEventQueye = <Map<String, dynamic>>[];
final Map<String, ExtensionApiHandler> _extensionApis = {};
Map<String, ExtensionApiHandler> _webExtensionApis = {};
factory Mop() {
return _instance;
Mop._internal() {
debugPrint('mop: _internal');
// init
_channel = const MethodChannel('mop');
_mopEventChannel =
const EventChannel('');
_mopEventChannel.receiveBroadcastStream().listen((dynamic value) {
debugPrint('matrix: receiveBroadcastStream $value');
for (Map m in _mopEventQueye) {
if (m['event'] == value['event']) {
}, onError: (dynamic value) {
// failure(value);
static Mop get instance => _instance;
Future<String> get platformVersion async {
final String version = await _channel.invokeMethod('getPlatformVersion');
return version;
Future<dynamic> _handlePlatformMethodCall(MethodCall call) async {
debugPrint("_handlePlatformMethodCall: method:${call.method}");
if (call.method.startsWith("extensionApi:")) {
final name = call.method.substring("extensionApi:".length);
final handler = _extensionApis[name];
if (handler != null) {
return await handler(call.arguments);
} else if (call.method.startsWith("webExtentionApi:")) {
final name = call.method.substring("webExtentionApi:".length);
final handler = _webExtensionApis[name];
if (handler != null) {
return await handler(call.arguments);
/// initialize mop miniprogram engine.
/// 初始化小程序
/// [sdkkey] is required. it can be getted from
/// [secret] is required. it can be getted from
/// [apiServer] is optional. the mop server address. default is
/// [apiPrefix] is optional. the mop server prefix. default is /api/v1/mop
/// [cryptType] is optional. cryptType, should be MD5/SM
/// [disablePermission] is optional.
/// [encryptServerData] 是否对服务器数据进行加密,需要服务器支持
/// [userId] 用户id
/// [finStoreConfigs] 多服务配置
/// [uiConfig] UI配置
/// [debug] 设置debug模式影响调试和日志
/// [customWebViewUserAgent] 设置自定义webview ua
/// [appletIntervalUpdateLimit] 设置小程序批量更新周期
/// [maxRunningApplet] 设置最大同时运行小程序个数
Future<Map> initialize(
String sdkkey,
String secret, {
String? apiServer,
String? apiPrefix,
String? cryptType,
bool encryptServerData = false,
bool disablePermission = false,
String? userId,
bool debug = false,
bool bindAppletWithMainProcess = false,
List<FinStoreConfig>? finStoreConfigs,
UIConfig? uiConfig,
String? customWebViewUserAgent,
int appletIntervalUpdateLimit = 0,
int maxRunningApplet = 5,
}) async {
final Map ret = await _channel.invokeMethod('initialize', {
'appkey': sdkkey,
'secret': secret,
'apiServer': apiServer,
'apiPrefix': apiPrefix,
'cryptType': cryptType,
"encryptServerData": encryptServerData,
'disablePermission': disablePermission,
'userId': userId,
"debug": debug,
"bindAppletWithMainProcess": bindAppletWithMainProcess,
"finStoreConfigs": finStoreConfigs?.map((e) => e.toMap()),
"uiConfig": uiConfig?.toMap(),
"customWebViewUserAgent": customWebViewUserAgent,
"appletIntervalUpdateLimit": appletIntervalUpdateLimit,
"maxRunningApplet": maxRunningApplet
return ret;
/// open the miniprogram [appId] from the mop server.
/// 打开小程序
/// [appId] is required.
/// [path] is miniprogram open path. example /pages/index/index
/// [query] is miniprogram query parameters. example key1=value1&key2=value2
/// [sequence] is miniprogram sequence. example 0,1.2.3,4,5...
/// [apiServer] is optional. the mop server address. default is
/// [apiPrefix] is optional. the mop server prefix. default is /api/v1/mop
/// [fingerprint] is optional. the mop sdk fingerprint. is nullable
/// [cryptType] is optional. cryptType, should be MD5/SM
Future<Map> openApplet(
final String appId, {
final String? path,
final String? query,
final int? sequence,
final String? apiServer,
final String? scene,
}) async {
Map<String, Object> params = {'appId': appId};
Map param = {};
if (path != null) param["path"] = path;
if (query != null) param["query"] = query;
if (param.length > 0) params["params"] = param;
if (sequence != null) params["sequence"] = sequence;
if (apiServer != null) params["apiServer"] = apiServer;
if (scene != null) param["scene"] = scene;
final Map ret = await _channel.invokeMethod('openApplet', params);
return ret;
/// get current using applet
/// 获取当前正在使用的小程序信息
/// {appId,name,icon,description,version,thumbnail}
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> currentApplet() async {
final ret = await _channel.invokeMapMethod("currentApplet");
return Map<String, dynamic>.from(ret!);
/// close all running applets
/// 关闭当前打开的所有小程序
Future closeAllApplets() async {
return await _channel.invokeMethod("closeAllApplets");
/// clear applets cache
/// 清除缓存的小程序
Future clearApplets() async {
return await _channel.invokeMethod("clearApplets");
/// 清除指定的小程序本体缓存
Future removeUsedApplet(String appId) async {
Map<String, Object> params = {'appId': appId};
return await _channel.invokeMethod("removeUsedApplet", params);
/// 获取运行时版本号
Future<String> sdkVersion() async {
return await _channel
.then((value) => value?["data"]);
/// (扫码后)解密-鉴权-打开小程序
Future scanOpenApplet(String info) async {
Map<String, Object> params = {'info': info};
return await _channel.invokeMapMethod("scanOpenApplet", params);
/// 根据微信QrCode信息解析小程序信息
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> parseAppletInfoFromWXQrCode(
String qrCode, String apiServer) async {
final ret = await _channel.invokeMapMethod("parseAppletInfoFromWXQrCode",
{"qrCode": qrCode, "apiServer": apiServer});
return Map<String, dynamic>.from(ret!);
/// register handler to provide custom info or behaviour
/// 注册小程序事件处理
void registerAppletHandler(AppletHandler handler) {
_extensionApis["forwardApplet"] = (params) async {
handler.forwardApplet(Map<String, dynamic>.from(params));
_extensionApis["getUserInfo"] = (params) {
return handler.getUserInfo();
_extensionApis["getCustomMenus"] = (params) async {
final res = await handler.getCustomMenus(params["appId"]);
List<Map<String, dynamic>> list = [];
res.forEach((element) {
Map<String, dynamic> map = Map();
map["menuId"] = element.menuId;
map["image"] = element.image;
map["title"] = element.title;
map["type"] = element.type;
debugPrint("registerAppletHandler getCustomMenus list $list");
return list;
_extensionApis["onCustomMenuClick"] = (params) async {
return handler.onCustomMenuClick(
params["appId"], params["path"], params["menuId"], params["appInfo"]);
_extensionApis["appletDidOpen"] = (params) async {
return handler.appletDidOpen(params["appId"]);
/// register extension api
/// 注册拓展api
void registerExtensionApi(String name, ExtensionApiHandler handler) {
_extensionApis[name] = handler;
_channel.invokeMethod("registerExtensionApi", {"name": name});
/// 获取国密加密
Future<String> getSMSign(String plainText) async {
var result =
await _channel.invokeMapMethod("smsign", {'plainText': plainText});
var data = result?['data']['data'];
return data;
/// WKWebView的弹性设置
void webViewBounces(bool bounces) async {
await _channel.invokeMapMethod("webViewBounces", {'bounces': bounces});
Future<void> closeApplet(String appletId, bool animated) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod(
"closeApplet", {"appletId": appletId, "animated": animated});
//结束小程序 关闭小程序
Future<void> finishRunningApplet(String appletId, bool animated) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod(
"finishRunningApplet", {"appletId": appletId, "animated": animated});
//设置小程序切换动画 安卓
Future setActivityTransitionAnim(Anim anim) async {
await _channel
.invokeMethod("setActivityTransitionAnim", {"anim":});
Future<void> sendCustomEvent(
String appId, Map<String, dynamic> eventData) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod(
"sendCustomEvent", {"appId": appId, "eventData": eventData});
Future<void> callJS(String appId, String eventName, String nativeViewId,
Map<String, dynamic> eventData) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod("callJS", {
"appId": appId,
"eventName": eventName,
"nativeViewId": nativeViewId,
"eventData": eventData
void addWebExtentionApi(String name, ExtensionApiHandler handler) {
_webExtensionApis[name] = handler;
_channel.invokeMethod("addWebExtentionApi", {"name": name});