add: editor demo
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
data: {
formats: {},
bottom: 0,
readOnly: false,
placeholder: '开始输入...',
_focus: false,
readOnlyChange() {
readOnly: !
onLoad() {
onEditorReady(opt) {
const that = this
wx.createSelectorQuery().select('#editor').context(function (res) {
console.log('~~~~~createSelectorQuery~~~res~~~', res);
that.editorCtx = res.context
blurEditor() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor blur success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor blur fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor blur complete', res);
clearEditor() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor clear success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor clear fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor clear complete', res);
setColor() {
const that = this
that.editorCtx.format('color', 'red')
setColorGreen() {
const that = this
that.editorCtx.format('color', 'green')
getContents() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor getContents success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor getContents fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor getContents complete', res);
getSelectionText() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor getSelectionText success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor getSelectionText fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor getSelectionText complete', res);
insertDivider() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor insertDivider success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor insertDivider fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor insertDivider complete', res);
insertImage() {
const that = this
sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
count: 1,
success: function (res) {
var tempFilePaths = res.tempFilePaths[0];
console.log("tempFilePaths", tempFilePaths)
src: tempFilePaths,
mode: 'aspectFit',
success(res) {
console.log('editor insertImage success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor insertImage fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor insertImage complete', res);
insertImageOnline() {
src: '',
mode: 'aspectFit',
success(res) {
console.log('editor insertImage success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor insertImage fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor insertImage complete', res);
insertText() {
text: 'insertText ',
success(res) {
console.log('editor insertText success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor insertText fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor insertText complete', res);
redo() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor redo success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor redo fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor redo complete', res);
removeFormat() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor removeFormat success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor removeFormat fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor removeFormat complete', res);
scrollIntoView() {
setContents() {
delta: [
{ insert: 'Hello ' },
{ insert: 'World!', attributes: { bold: true } },
{ insert: '\n' }
success(res) {
console.log('editor setContents success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor setContents fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor setContents complete', res);
undo() {
success(res) {
console.log('editor undo success', res);
fail(res) {
console.log('editor undo fail', res);
complete(res) {
console.log('editor undo complete', res);
format(e) {
let { name, value } =
if (!name) return
this.editorCtx.format(name, value)
onStatusChange(e) {
const formats = e.detail
this.setData({ formats })
clear() {
success: function (res) {
console.log("clear success")
const that = this
console.log("富文本内容", that.editorCtx.getContents({
success: function (res) {
console.log('富文本内容', res.html)
wx.setStorageSync('richtext', res.html)
url: '/richtextpage/richtextpage',
removeColor() {
const that = this
success(res) {
console.log('removeFormat success', res)
setBlod() {
setFormat(event) {
const {changename, chanvevalue=null} =;
this.editorCtx.format(changename, chanvevalue);
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"usingComponents": {}
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
<view class="">
<view class="page-body">
<view class='wrapper'>
<editor style="height:77px" id="editor" class="ql-container" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" showImgSize showImgToolbar showImgResize bindstatuschange="onStatusChange" read-only="{{readOnly}}" bindready="onEditorReady">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 350px;">
<button bindtap="blurEditor">blur</button>
<button bindtap="clearEditor">清空clear</button>
<button bindtap="setColor">设置颜色 red</button>
<button bindtap="setBlod">设置bold</button>
<button bindtap="setColorGreen">设置绿色</button>
<button bindtap="getContents">getContents</button>
<button bindtap="getSelectionText">getSelectionText</button>
<!-- <button bindtap="insertDivider">insertDivider</button> -->
<button bindtap="insertImage">insertImage</button>
<button bindtap="insertImageOnline">insertImage online</button>
<button bindtap="insertText">insertText</button>
<button bindtap="redo">redo</button>
<button bindtap="removeFormat">removeFormat</button>
<button bindtap="scrollIntoView">scrollIntoView</button>
<button bindtap="setContents">setContents</button>
<button bindtap="undo">undo</button>
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<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='underline'>underline</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='strike'>strike</button>
<!-- <button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='ins'>ins</button> -->
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='script' data-chanvevalue="sub">script sub</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='script' data-chanvevalue="super">script super</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='header' data-chanvevalue="H1">header H1</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='header' data-chanvevalue="H2">header H2</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='header' data-chanvevalue="H3">header H3</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='header' data-chanvevalue="H4">header H4</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='header' data-chanvevalue="H5">header H5</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='header' data-chanvevalue="H6">header H6</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='align' data-chanvevalue="left">align left</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='align' data-chanvevalue="center">align center</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='align' data-chanvevalue="right">align right</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='align' data-chanvevalue="justify">align justify</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='direction' data-chanvevalue="rtl">direction</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='indent' data-chanvevalue="+1">indent +1</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='indent' data-chanvevalue="-1">indent -1</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='list' data-chanvevalue="ordered">list ordered</button>
<button bindtap="setFormat" data-changename='list' data-chanvevalue="bullet">list bullet</button>
<button bindtap="setColor">设置颜色 red</button>
<button bindtap="removeFormat">removeFormat</button>
<!-- <button bindtap="complete">完成</button> -->
@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Page({
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id: 'nav',
name: '导航',
Reference in New Issue